What’s Meta-Fuzzled?

A monthly newsletter for the curious & confused on all things Web 3.0.

For the most part, we will navigate this new space together because the more I read, the more there is to read. Nothing is definitely wrong because nothing is definitely right.

Who is it for?

You may know a thing or two about the Metaverse/Web 3.0 and want to stay up-to-date on what’s happening and who to follow, or you’re as new as they come.

Expect a breakdown on the best articles, resources, whitepapers, projects, updates, Discord groups, thought leaders and experts in the space, in real time.

I do the hard work of research…

[yup, you know how it goes] … So you don’t have to! Baaa-dum-tsss!

*Cringe activated!*
*insert clap emoji* *insert dance emoji* *insert raised hands / prayer emoji*

Join the crew

Substack put this sub-heading as an automated recommendation but I don’t really have a crew. It’s just me. Unless YOU are to join me and form a crew?

That could work.

That could be cool.

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Subscribe to Meta-Fuzzled

The best articles, resources, thought leaders, whitepapers, projects & more in the Web 3.0 space


Work in luxury PR, have my head in the Web 3.0 world, author of a best-selling ebook on social media & influencer marketing strategy